Ledger® Live @ Desktop

Last updated 1 month ago. Start your crypto journey on the right foot with Ledger Live Desktop. Explore essential tools and resources to protect your investments

Key Features of Ledger Live Desktop

1. Comprehensive Wallet Management: Ledger Live Desktop supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and numerous ERC-20 tokens. Users can add multiple accounts for different cryptocurrencies, allowing for diversified portfolio management within a single application.

2. Secure Transactions: Ledger Live Desktop ensures the security of your transactions. When sending or receiving cryptocurrencies, users must confirm the details on their Ledger hardware device, which mitigates the risk of unauthorized transactions. This two-factor verification process ensures that your assets are always protected.

3. Real-Time Portfolio Tracking: The application provides a clear and intuitive overview of your portfolio's value and performance. Users can track the value of their holdings in real-time, view historical data, and analyze their portfolio’s performance over time. This feature helps users make informed decisions based on current market trends.

4. Integrated Exchange Services: Ledger Live Desktop includes integrated exchange services, allowing users to buy, sell, and swap cryptocurrencies directly within the application. This feature, powered by trusted partners, provides a seamless experience for managing and trading assets without needing to leave the Ledger Live environment.

5. Regular Updates and Security Enhancements: Ledger Live Desktop regularly receives updates that include new features, security enhancements, and support for additional cryptocurrencies. Keeping the application up-to-date ensures users benefit from the latest improvements and protections.

Setting Up Ledger Live Desktop

1. Download and Installation: To get started, download Ledger Live Desktop from the official Ledger website. The application is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Install the application following the provided instructions.

2. Initial Setup: Upon launching Ledger Live Desktop for the first time, you will be guided through the initial setup process. This includes connecting your Ledger hardware wallet, setting up a secure PIN, and generating a recovery phrase if you haven’t done so already.

3. Adding Accounts: After the initial setup, you can add cryptocurrency accounts to Ledger Live Desktop. Navigate to the "Accounts" tab, select the cryptocurrency you wish to add, and follow the on-screen instructions to link your hardware wallet to the new account.

4. Managing Your Portfolio: With your accounts set up, you can begin managing your portfolio. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your assets, recent transactions, and overall portfolio performance. You can also perform actions such as sending and receiving funds, as well as exchanging cryptocurrencies directly from the application.

Best Practices for Using Ledger Live Desktop

1. Secure Your Recovery Phrase: Always keep your 24-word recovery phrase secure and never share it with anyone. This phrase is crucial for recovering your funds in case your hardware wallet is lost or damaged.

2. Keep Firmware and Software Updated: Regularly update both your Ledger hardware device firmware and the Ledger Live Desktop application to ensure you have the latest security features and improvements.

3. Verify Transaction Details: Always verify the details of any transaction on your Ledger hardware wallet before confirming it in Ledger Live Desktop. This step helps prevent any unauthorized transactions.

4. Be Aware of Phishing Attempts: Be cautious of phishing attempts. Only use the official Ledger Live Desktop application and avoid entering sensitive information on any unofficial websites or platforms.


Ledger Live Desktop is a robust and secure application for managing cryptocurrency assets with a Ledger hardware wallet. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive portfolio management features, and integration with exchange services make it an essential tool for both novice and experienced cryptocurrency users. By following best practices and staying vigilant about security, users can effectively manage their digital assets with confidence.

Last updated